Topics in Advanced Computing Lesson 5: Modules

  1. Reading
  2. Warm-Up
  3. Data.List
    1. Importing some
    2. Some functions
    3. Searching
    4. Text
    5. Set Operations
  4. Data.Char
  5. Data.Map
  6. Data.Set
  7. Defining Modules
    1. Breaking up


Chapter 7


Implement a function maxrun which takes in a list and returns the length of the longest continuous sublist containing all equal values.

ghci> maxrun []
ghci> maxrun [1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1]

maxrun :: Eq a => [a] -> Int


Maybe first: write a function which takes in a list, and splits it into sublists, each of which has identical values. ie:

ghci> split [1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1]
[[1], [2, 2, 2], [1], [0], [1, 1]]

Then? (Two more steps?)

But first: how do we write split?

split [] = []

What’s next? (This takes some work!) Some hints:

  1. Can you implement a function which takes in an x and a list and returns all the elements at the beginning of the list which are equal to x? (Equivalent to takeWhile ==x)?
  2. Implement a function which takes in an x and a list and returns all the elements after the ones returned above?
  3. Can you implement a function which takes in an x and a list and returns both of the above as a tuple?
  4. Then we can implement split using the above.

(Turns out there are built in functions that do almost all of these in the Data.List module.)


Importing a module in an .hs file:

import Data.List

numUniques :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Int
numUniques = length . nub

nub is a function in the Data.List module which removes duplicates from a list. The import statement needs to go at the top of the file.

In ghci, you would do this as:

ghci> :m + Data.List

Importing some

import Data.List (nub, sort)

Just imports nub and sort

import Data.List hiding (sort)

Imports everything from Data.List except the sort function.

import qualified Data.List

Imports the functions in the Data.List module but you need to give the full name: Data.List.nub, Data.List.sort, etc. You would do this to avoid name clashes (if you imported something else that defined a sort function, for example). But if Data.List.nub is too long, you can use “as”:

import qualified Data.List as L

Some functions

Interlude: these are in the standard prelude / don’t need to import Data.List:

Back to Data.List:



Set Operations


(See the reading, chapter 7, for more)

Character type functions:

Conversion functions:

Exercise: Caesar cipher encode / decode functions (as in the book)?


What is a Map?

One implementation: lists of tuples.

phoneNumbers = [("Athar", "123-4567"), ("Bob", "000-1111"), ("Jenny", "867-5309")]

Then how do we look stuff up? Need a find function. Let’s check the book’s implementation. Running time? Better? (In Java: HashMap has $O(1)$ lookups / insertions.) Haskell’s Data.Map module uses trees instead.

import qualified Data.Map as Map -- name clashes with Data.List / Prelude


import qualified Data.Set as Set

Defining Modules

In “Geometry.hs”

module Geometry
  cubeVolume -- exported names
) where

sphereVolume :: Float-> Float 
sphereVolume radius = (4.0 / 3.0) * pi * (radius^3) 
cubeVolume :: Float-> Float 
cubeVolume side= cuboidVolume side side side

cuboidVolume ::Float-> Float-> Float->Float 
cuboidVolume a b c = rectangleArea a b * c 

rectangleArea :: Float-> Float-> Float −− Internal only 
rectangleArea a b = a * b

How do we use this? In ghci, simply :l Geometry. In another hs file in the same folder, import Geometry. Let’s play around with this.

Breaking up

(Maybe next time: break up Geometry into separate files. Submodules)