Topics in Advanced Computing Lesson 2: Types / Classes / Functions

  1. Questions
    1. Reminder
  2. Reading
  3. Types
    1. Common Types
    2. Types of functions
    3. Curried
    4. Style note
  4. Polymorphism
    1. Common classes
    2. Ord / Enum / Bounded
    3. Num
    4. Integral / Fractional
    5. Show
  5. Functions
    1. More Pattern Matching
    2. As patterns
    3. Guards
    4. Where
    5. Let
  6. Problem Set 1





Common Types

Types of functions

-> indicates a function.

welcome x = "Hello " ++ x


Every function in Haskell has exactly one argument. So how do we define multi-arg functions?

ghci> hello first last = “Hello “ ++ first ++ “ “ ++ last
ghci> :t hello
hello :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]

What does this mean? hello is a function that takes in a string as a parameter, and returns another function! This is called currying.

What happens if we do :t hello "Athar"?

Style note

Good style to include type declarations for your functions in .hs files. The following might go in a file called “linear.hs”:

linear :: Int -> Int -> Int
linear x y = 2*x + y

Then in ghci:

ghci> :set -Wall
ghci> :l linear

Compiler verifies that your type declaration is correct.


Example of parametric polymorphism: the fst function takes in a tuple (x, y) and returns the first element of the tuple x.

ghci> fst (3, “Athar”)
ghci> 3
ghci> :t fst
fst :: (a, b) -> a

Here a and b are two type variables. They can range over any possible types (they may be the same or different types). This is saying that fst is a function whose argument is a tuple, and returns a value whose type matches the type of the first element of the tuple.

Ad-hoc polymorphism is accomplished using type classes.

ghci> :t (+)
(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a

This says that + is a function which takes in two parameters of some type a, and returns another one of type a. Moreover, it says that this type a must be of the Num class (whatever that is).

Common classes

Ord / Enum / Bounded

Try out the following:

  1. :t (>)
  2. :t compare
    • :t compare 0
    • :t compare "Athar"
    • compare "Athar" "Ali"
  3. :t succ
    • succ 3.5
  4. maxBound :: Int
  5. maxBound :: Char


  1. :t 0
  2. :t (-)
  3. :t 1 + 2
  4. :t (1 + 2) :: Int
  5. :t (1 :: Int) + 2
  6. :t (1 :: Int) + (2 :: Double)

Integral / Fractional

  1. :t (4 + 2.3)
  2. :t (5 :: Int) + 3.5
  3. :t (/)
  4. :t div
  5. :t toInteger
    • Why?
  6. :t fromIntegral
    • Why?
  7. fromIntegral (1 :: Integer) + 2.3


  1. :t show
  2. show 3
  3. show pi
  4. show True
  5. show ("Hi", "there")
  6. show (3, 5)
  7. show ["hi", "there"]
  8. show [3, 5]


Can define functions using cases:

count :: Integral a => a -> String
count 0 = "None"
count 1 = "One"
count 2 = "Two"
count _ = "Many"

More Pattern Matching

Works on lists and tuples. Examples:

ghci> fst’ (x,_) = x
ghci> :t fst’
ghci> fst’ :: (a, b) -> a
ghci> fst’ (30, 10)


  1. Define a function addVector which takes in two tuples (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) and returns their vector sum (add the x’s, add the y’s).
  2. Define a function dotProd which takes in two tuples (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) and returns their dot product (multiply the x’s, multiply the y’s, add them together).

What if we wanted to define these on two vectors of arbitrary length? We can use pattern matching on lists with recursion.

dotProd [] [] = 0
dotProd _ [] = error "list sizes do not match"
dotProd [] _ = error "list sizes do not match"
dotProd (x:xs) (y:ys) = x*y + dotProd xs ys

Exercise: Implement addVector on two lists recursively (as efficiently as you can). If one list is empty and the other is not, throw an exception (as we did above).

(There will turn out to be a simpler solution later on: zipWith (+))

List comprehensions: we’ve seen this already. Recall: Pythagorean triples:

pythTrips = [(x,y,z) | z <- [1..], y <- [1..z], x <- [1..y], x^2 + y^2 == z^2]

We can do other things like: perims = [ a + b + c | (a, b, c) <- pythTrips ]

(Try take 10 perims).

As patterns

As patterns: pattern match + bind a name. Syntax: name@pattern

capital :: String -> String
capital "" = "Empty"
capital all@(x:xs) = "The first letter of " ++ all ++ " is " ++ [x]


Boolean expression after a pipe symbol (|). Like an “if” or “switch”:

bmiClassifier bmi 
  | bmi <= 18.5 = "underweight"
  | bmi <= 25.0 = "normal"
  | bmi <= 30.0 = "overweight"
  | otherwise = "obese"

This can be all on one line, but more readable if you put each guard on its own line, indented.


What if we wanted to define bmiClassifier in terms of height and weight? Your BMI is defined as your mass in kilograms divided by your height in meters squared.

bmiClassifier weight height
  | weight / height^2 < 18.5 = "underweight"
  | weight / height^2 < 25.0 = "normal"
  | weight / height^2 < 30.0 = "overweight"
  | otherwise = "obese"

It would be easier if we could define a temporary variable which computed weight / height^2 once. This is the point of the where clause. The above can be written more simply as:

bmiClassifier weight height
  | bmi <= 18.5 = "underweight"
  | bmi <= 25.0 = "normal"
  | bmi <= 30.0 = "overweight"
  | otherwise = "obese"
  where bmi = weight / height^2


where bindings define variable names across the whole funciton. let bindings are local. let ... in ... is an expression. The idea is you use let ... to define some set of variables, and then the value of the expression is returned by the in clause.

cylinder :: (RealFloat a) => a -> a -> a
cylinder r h =
    let sideArea = 2 * pi * r * h
        topArea = pi * r^2
    in sideArea + 2*topArea

In this function, the surface area of the cylinder is defined as sideArea + 2*topArea; those variables are bound by the let clause. let bindings can be used in list comprehensions and in GHCi as well.

Problem Set 1

Due Tuesday, September 17 on GH classroom.

  1. Explain the differences between functional and imperative programming. In your answer, provide an example of an algorithm (described in Java / Python / pseudocode / etc) that is not written in a functional style, and explain what is not “functional” about it. You can write your answer using comments {- and -} in the hs file.
  2. Write a function elemSorted x xs that returns true if x is an element of the sorted list xs. In this case, we assume xs is sorted; it may be infinite. Do not use elem: it fails for infinite lists. The type signature should be elemSorted :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> Bool. In the comments, in English, explain what this type signature means.
  3. Write a function isPerfectSquare :: Int -> Bool which returns true if x is a perfect square. Hint: use elemSorted to check if x is an element of an infinite list of all perfect squares. (Can you figure out how to define a list of all perfect squares?)
  4. Consider the expression p = sieve [2..] where sieve (x:xs) = x : sieve [ y | y <- xs, y `mod` x /= 0]. In the comments of the .hs file, answer the following:
    • What is the type of p?
    • What is the value of take 10 p?
    • Describe p. What is it, mathematically? Explain how the recursive definition of sieve works. Explain how this defines an infinite list despite the function itself having finite length.
  5. Two numbers x and y are called twin primes if they are both prime and they differ by 2. For example, 3 and 5 are twin primes, as are 5 and 7. Define a list twins of all tuples (x, y) where x < y and x and y are twin primes.
    • Hint 1: use a let binding to ensure y is equal to x + 2, and a where binding to define a local function isPrime.
    • Hint 2: define the function isPrime using elemSorted similarly to how you defined isPerfectSquare.
    • If it works, take 10 twins should return the following: [(3,5),(5,7),(11,13),(17,19),(29,31),(41,43),(59,61),(71,73),(101,103),(107,109)]