Topics in Advanced Computing Lesson 1: Lists
- Setting up
- Topics?
- Monday: Labor day. No classes!
- Topics: choose a topic by the end of next week!
- Send me 2 or 3 topic ideas in case of clashes.
- Meet with me in office hours if you are unsure of a topic.
- Presentations:
- First set of presentations will start in 2.5 weeks (9/16).
- We will slowly make a schedule.
- Meet with me before your first presentation!
- Problem Set 1
- Given next week, due the week after.
Set Up
- Last time, issues with set-up on the lab computers. You might need to first update xcode: in the terminal, run the following command
softwareupdate --install -a
- This might require your computer to restart.
- Then run the ghcup installation command after the restart. Again, make sure to say yes to HLS and stack.
- Then install the Haskell extension for VSCode.
- One of the most fundamental data structures in Haskell.
names = ["Athar", "Bob", "Carl", "Athar"]
- Access element $n$:
- Length of the list:
length names
- First element:
head names
(one element) - Rest of the list:
tail names
(returns a list) - Concatenate two lists:
list1 ++ list2
- Example:
[1, 2, 3] ++ [5, 6]
- Doesn’t work:
[1, 2, 3] ++ ["Hi"]
- Lists must be homogeneous. Lists of a single type.
- Efficiency: ++ is $O(n)$, where $n$ is the length of
- Example:
- Efficiency: adding a single element to the beginning of the list can be done in $O(1)$ using
- First $n$ elements:
take n names
- Check if $x$ is in the list:
elem x names
- Preferred:
x `elem` names
- Preferred:
- Strings are lists!
length "Athar"
- First ten positive integers:
ft = [1..10]
- Backwards:
backwards = [10,9..1]
- Need to provide at least two elements in this case.
- Haskell figures out the “step”
- What if you do
- First ten positive odds:
odds = [1,3..11]
- Characters:
lowers = ['a'..'z']
Infinite lists:
- All natural numbers:
n = [0..]
- All even naturals:
evens = [0,2..]
takes a list and repeats it infinitely.binary = cycle [0, 1]
repeats one value forevertwos = repeat 2
- If you want a list of $n$ 2’s, use
replicate 5 2
makes the list[2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
Implementation questions
- Think of these as linked lists.
- Singly linked list, with a head, no tail.
- That’s why prepending can be done in $O(1)$, but concatenation is $O(n)$.
- Except: each node has a pointer to a computation (called a thunk) which would give the next node / value.
- This allows lazy evaluation.
- That’s how infinite lists work!
ghci> [x+1 | x <- [0,2..10]]
The vertical bar is like the set-theoretic “such that”. “List of all the numbers x + 1, such that x is in the set [0, 2..10]”
Even squares:
ghci> evenSquares = [ x*x | x <- [0,2..]]
take 10 evenSquares
More than one condition? Even squares that are multiples of 3?
ghci> evenMult3Squares = [x | y <- [0,2..], let x = y * y, x
3 == 0]
ghci> take 10 evenMult3Squares
Exercise: Can we make an infinite list of all Pythagorean triples? A Pythagorean triple is a tuple $(x, y, z)$ such that $x^2 + y^2 = z^2$. We can restrict these to just be of the form $x < y < z$, so that $(3, 4, 5)$ shows up but $(4, 3, 5)$ does not.
pythTrips = [(x,y,z) | z <- [1..], y <- [1..z], x <- [1..y], x^2 + y^2 == z^2]
Aside: tuples?
- Tuples are not the same as a list.
- Can be heterogeneous:
let a = (2, "hi", "there")
- Have a fixed size (cannot “add” to a tuple)
The handshake problem: given $n$ people in a room, if everyone shakes hands with everyone else, how many handshakes are there?
Define a function handshakes n
which returns a list of unique ordered pairs $(x, y)$ such that $x \neq y$, and $x < y$.
Use it so that:
ghci> handshakes 4
[(1, 2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4),(3,4)]
To start you out:
handshakes n =
Fill in the rest!